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Home Inspection Weekend
Learning style: Online

Course Code:    HIWeekend

Saturday October 12th - Sunday October 27th
No class on the 19 & 20
Class Price: $ 450
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Course Description

A Home Inspector is a person who engages in the business of inspecting a home and preparing a written or oral report in exchange for compensation of any sort, regarding the condition of the construction or improvements to the home.There are millions of homes bought and sold every year. Home inspections are crucial to selling or buying a home, therefore the need for Home Inspectors. You can begin your career today by taking our Home Inspection Licensing course. We will successfully prepare you to take the National Home Inspector Examination and give you the skills you need to begin your Career. Upon successful completion of the exam, the Commission will issue a license authorizing the applicant to engage in the business of home inspection in South Carolina. The National Home Inspector Examination contains 200 multiple choice question. You will have 4 hours to complete the examination. As of January 1, 2019 you must also pass the SC Residential Business Management and Law portion of the exam. To prepare for this portion of the exam you will need to purchase the South Carolina-NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, South Carolina Residential Builders, 7th Edition 2nd Printing SOUTH CAROLINA-NASCLA CONTRACTORS GUIDE TO BUSINESS, LAW AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT, SOUTH CAROLINA RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS, 7TH EDITION 2ND PRINTING. This book can be purchased at https://contractorexampreps.com/products/south-carolina-nascla-contractors-guide-to-business-law-and-project-m?variant=13369334923317&utm_campaign=gs-2019-02-26&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=CjwKCAiA_P3jBRAqEiwAZyWWaDLgPY_reyFaqoRfem23mQpBVpjnNn71Zv8xBxb_9vV8MVNWC18lThoC87kQAvD_BwE.