Network, network, network...your mentors no doubt drilled this into your head when you were learning how to be successful in the industry. The problem is that many inexperienced agents don’t understand what it means or how to do it. One of the most effective means of networking in the real estate industry is to become active in community service.
When you’re volunteering time and effort in your community, you are networking. Community service provides ample opportunities to generate leads as well. For example, you might attend “career day” as a guest speaker at your child’s school. You’re volunteering your time. Another speaker or an audience member might be thinking of selling or buying a home. He or she connects with you after your presentation and, boom—you’ve just gained a client through community service. If you’re not sure where to volunteer, this blog post will give you some ideas.
Volunteering at a nursing home can help your real estate business
South Carolina nursing homes are filled with hundreds of aging or infirm residents who long for personal interaction with others. You’d be surprised how many nursing home residents never receive a visitor. Volunteering at a local nursing home is a great way to provide community service. It also might help you generate leads because adult children helping their parents transition to assisted living often have homes to sell.
Mention nonprofits you donate to on social media
Another way to give back to your community as a real estate agent is to donate a portion of each commission to a local charity. When you post about your donations and connections with nonprofit organizations in your area, it shows that you care about your town. It is also a great way to gain referrals or inquiries about your business.
Is your real estate business name on a baseball fence or team shirt?
Community sports teams rely heavily on local sponsorships to provide for their financial needs when purchasing equipment or supplies for baseball, soccer or football teams. Think of how many people will see the name of your real estate business if you sponsor a team. Many teams hang posters featuring their sponsors on their outfield fences in baseball. Other teams add a list of sponsors to the backs of their shirts.
Don’t just sponsor a team, coach one if you can
Volunteering your time as a coach for a community sports team is another great way to provide community service as a real estate agent in South Carolina. The climate here means that outdoor sports can run all year long. If you have your business logo detailed onto your vehicle, it becomes a billboard that advertises your services every time you park it in the lot at practice or a game.
Community service opportunities are everywhere. Consider volunteering your time and talents in the South Carolina region where you are working as a real estate agent. Volunteering is a rewarding experience, and it might be just the ticket you need to establish your brand and expand your business reach in and beyond your community.